God hath been with thee

In Deuteronomy, chapter two, verse seven, the Lord speaks to Moses that He had been with the people of Israel throughout their journey through the wilderness. They had increased their cattle and substance, even though in a desert. With every step the Israelites took, God, owned and prospered them in all things, including the areas of concern. During those forty years, the Lord had been with them, protecting and defending them and providing all things necessary for them. 
Although the Israelites had to pay for their sins of unbelief and rebellion, God continued to be with them because they confessed their sin. God will continue to bless and guide those who repent, despite their failure and temporary departure from a life of holiness. God honors His Word above His name. The Israelites showed remorse for their sins: God blessed them during these forty years in the wilderness even though they were not far from the promised land.
The people of Israel did not realize and recognize how much God was with them despite their mistakes and ways on display before Him. The Israelites did multiply in cattle and animals during those years in the wilderness. Neither their clothes nor shoe was old on them. The Lord guided them through their need for necessities. During their journey, the Israelites’ focused on what was before them, while God focused on His people. 
God had been with the Israelites from the beginning until now. However, the question is, were the children of God with Him? Their mind was on the things of the earth but not on the heavenly one: God Himself. Despite not receiving the necessary attention from the children o Israel, God did help them along the way through His servant Moses. Today, do we as believers have our attention on God? Or do we have our focus on the things of this world?

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