Fearful? Have no faith?

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Daily, we all have plans to run errands and carry out our tasks to accomplish them. Unexpectedly, we encounter a situation that may seem impossible to overcome. Does this sound familiar?
In the book of Mark, verse forty of chapter four, the disciples, the ones that know and follow the Son of God, witnessed the miracles that He performed, experienced the presence of God, suddenly afraid. These men do not realize by now who was in their midst on the ship sailing with them? Despite all the teaching they have received, the disciples approached the matter carnally. They heard the Word daily from Jesus Himself. The focus became the initial encounter of danger and did not reflect or remember the teachings from God’s Word.
The fear factor only comes in when we initially pay attention to a difficult situation and what it potentially can do against us. Instead, we should view the circumstance from a spiritual perspective and focus on what God can do for us. Trusting in God, abiding in His Word will help to overcome the obstacles that we may face. Of course, it is not easy as it sounds with the distractions that come from the people that might be involved. The disturbance could come from family, friends, neighbors, and even the spouse.
Faith that comes from God will not produce and grow within us if we have fear. If fear is currently involved in our lives, then faith will not have the opportunity to operate. If the belief is present and fear is there, then faith will not have the space to develop. If the faith is there and the fear is not, then we have the chance to grow.
Jesus knew the situation with the disciples because He sees the heart and what is in it. If we have fear inside our hearts, God will see right through it. Our faith will be stagnant. Our faith must be active. The fear, on the other hand, will act up. In the book of Matthew, verse twenty-six of chapter eight is quite similar to the earlier verse in Mark where the Son of God states to the disciples, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” The disciples’ overall condition indicates that their fear increased while the faith decreased. The Son of God knew the heart of those followers and could see their faith so tiny.
Therefore, if we have daily plans, run errands. and carry out our tasks to accomplish them, we should examine them in spiritual mode. We must look to God, the author, and finisher of our faith.

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