Elijah mocked them

In First Kings, chapter eighteen, verse twenty-seven, Elijah’s mockery of the prophets of Baal reveals his fierce anger at the immoral and cruel idolatry that Israel had embraced. The sarcasm and uncompromised attitude expressed unwavering loyalty to the God Elijah loved and served.
When the prophets of Baal had long tried all means in vain, Elijah derided them and their god, that he might awaken them out of their stupidity and expose them to all the bystanders as deceivers of the people in leading them to worship such senseless and shameful things. Elijah continues with mocking: But what a god, who cannot hear without all this clamor!
As no answer came for the prophets of Baal before noon, Elijah cried out to them in derision. The priests of Baal began to cry louder than before and scratched themselves with swords and lances till the blood poured out.
The worship of idols is a most ridiculous thing. It is absolutely to represent it so and expose it to scorn. And “nothing can be imagined more cutting and sarcastic than these words of the prophet, in which he ridicules, in the finest manner possible, their wretched, false, and derogatory ideas of the Deity. The prophets of Baal’s experience is a sad situation. The fact they were trying to convince others and themselves that their god would do something miraculous in front of Elijah to the point where they harmed themselves must have been a horrific scene. The traditional people growing into ungodly environments, not realizing the truth. Eventhough people have the freedom of choice to whom they serve, we have to leave all things to the Creator of the universe. At the end of a day, we should respect the decision people make for their lives because it is their choice and not ours.

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