Every morning

In exodus chapter sixteen, verse twenty-one, God gave orders to gather only enough for each day to teach the people that their daily existence depended exclusively upon His gift.
The Israelites miraculously were brought out from Egypt. After three days without water going through the wilderness of Shur, they discover the waters in Marah were bitter. The Israelites eventually got water to drink and bread from heaven to eat. However, they complained to Moses and Aaron about the conditions that were not ideal. The Lord supplies Quail and manna: He gave specific instructions on their portion daily according to how much they could consume.
Every morning the Israelites were responsible for their daily intake physically. They had to prepare it for themselves. The example is similar for the people of God today. Instead of gathering portions of quails for physical means, believers must prepare to read the Word of God and pray for spiritual means.
The challenge is the flesh remembers the liberty of doing the carnal things because we were born in sin and shaped in it. However, people have the opportunity to be removed from sin and filled with God and His Word. The Word of God is the blueprint for drawing close and building our relationship with Him. All believers need daily devotion every morning for the spiritual being within us to become stronger in the Lord. Otherwise, how will the people of God maintain righteousness and overcome carnality?
Overall, the Israelites had to pick up their amounts of daily intake physically. Believers must take up the Word of God daily and pray fervently to be healthy spiritually. Every morning, picking up the instruction that God put in His Word will enable us to be well equipped for this journey of life to reach our eternal home: heaven.

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