Direct Guidance

In Genesis chapter twelve, verse one, God tells Abram (which was his name at that time) to get out of his country, his kindred, his father’s house to a land that God would show Him. In Abram’s situation, he had to do so to come to the place where God was directing him. Today, there are many of us in a similar circumstance to Abram. Now, not everybody is to get up out of the house they live in and go to another country, but to change our approach to how we see our life is going and allow God to be a part of it. Let Him direct our path and make it better.
Verse twelve of chapter one in Genesis begins with “to get out of the country,” which could be the environment. The area of influence that may cause us to focus on other things apart from knowing God Himself. The carnal things we do feed the flesh with that give us pleasure. The time we spend that consumes our heart, soul, and mind blocks everything else the opportunity of entering.
The other part of verse twelve of the same chapter is to get out of thy kindred, which relates to a blood relative. Cousins may influence our lifestyle and daily activities that could prevent us from coming to know God spiritually. Sharing our time constantly with relatives could hinder our encounter with God personally.
The last part of influence is the parents: the Mother or Father, or both. Whoever the guardians are will impact the personality of that person. This particular situation with parents and children is different since most parents see their kids grow from infancy until now.
The last part of verse one of chapter twelve is to a land that God will show Him. Abram went out of His Father’s house, cousins or relatives, and community to God’s environment and directed his path to something great. God is showing some of us to take the opportunity to come out of the environment that is holding us back in knowing Him via salvation. To Come out of the social atmosphere of relatives and allowing God some of our time to know Him through His Word and other believers. To exclude the negative things some of our parents have done to focus on the good and positive things.

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