Did eat many days

In First Kings, chapter seventeen, verse fifteen, the needs and misery of a poor widow were not insignificant to God. He sent Elijah to strengthen her faith and give material blessings when she felt all was lost, as in verse twelve. The faith of the widow in God and His Word through the prophet Elijah led her to exchange the certain for the uncertain, the seen for the unseen, as in verses ten through sixteen, and Hebrews eleven, verse twenty-seven, respectively. The believing widow not only received from God’s prophet a material blessing but also a spiritual one.

The poor widow giving glory to the God of Israel by believing his prophet. No one has not found such faith, not in Israel. However, it exceeded that of the widow when she had but two mites cast them into the treasury. She took the word of the prophet that she should not lose but receive with interest. Those that can venture upon the promise of God, will make no difficulty of exposing and emptying themselves in his service, giving him his dues out of a little and giving him his part first.

They that deal with God must agree on trust: seek first the kingdom of God, and then other things shall be added. The increase of this widow’s faith to such a degree as to enable her to deny herself, and to depend upon the divine promise, was as great a miracle in the kingdom of grace as the increase of her oil was in the kingdom of providence. Happy they that can, against hope, believe and obey in hope. The widow ate many days a long time, even above two years See how the reward answered the service! She generously made one cake for the prophet and was repaid with many for herself and son! 

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