Destroy him without cause

In Job, chapter two, verse three, Job the servant, the innocent sufferer, foreshadows Jesus Christ and all righteous believers under the new covenant. As the Old Testament ideal of the suffering righteous person, Job is a type of Christ: the perfect righteous man who suffered even though he was innocent. The sinless Christ suffered in His body the consequences of evil and was “smitten of God,” as in Isaiah fifty-three, verse four, First Peter two, verse twenty-four, and chapter four, verse one.

Furthermore, Job exemplifies the patient endurance in adversity required of the child of God in Christ, as in James five, verse eleven, and Hebrews eleven, where many of the heroes of faith suffered and died without receiving deliverance. 

As Job suffered innocently because of his loyalty to God and for God’s righteousness, all faithful believers will likewise suffer in some measure. The New Testament states that “all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution,” as in Second Timothy three, verse twelve. Suffering is known as entering into “the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings, as in Philippians three, verse ten, and Colossians one, verse twenty-four. Innocent sufferers are companions of God, as in First Peter four, verse one, and chapter five, verse ten.

Believers and unbelievers are different in comparison to the difference between light and darkness, for they do not mix. Similar to people who are on opposite sides. The indifference is more spiritual than physical. The spirit within an unbeliever who did not accept or reject Christ will eventually become uncomfortable with someone who is a believer. The behavior of an unbeliever will not measure up to the character of a believer, creating a disturbance instead of acceptance. That explains why Jesus underwent such persecution from the scribes and Pharisees due to their envious attitude towards the Son of God. 

To destroy without cause is because the spirit within a person who rejects God takes on another ungodly spirit. Each human being at a mature age who knows the difference between good and evil will either have a godly or ungodly spirit within them. The inner spirit will either give them a motive to do good or bad toward others or not.

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