In Numbers, chapter fifteen, verse thirty-one, God distinguished between unintentional and intentional sins, with those committed willfully in defiance of Him and His Word. Unintentional sin required atonement though it did not separate one from His chosen people. Deliberate and defiant sin, however, separated a person from the people of God and the redemption provided for them. The latter part of Proverbs fourteen thirty-four states, “sin is a reproach to any people.” Therefore, unintentional or intentional, sin appears to wreak havoc in the lives of those where there is an opportunity.
Despising the word of the Lord is breaking his commandments. The old saying, “you break one, you break all.” That is, breaking it through contempt of it, despising it as a command of God, paying no regard to it as a law of his; otherwise, such who sin ignorantly break the commandment of God. The consequence of bad intentions is the soul most certainly will be cut off, entirely ruined, and destroyed in this world and in that to come. However, God knows the heart of those who desire to get back on track and those who are halfhearted.
To despise the Word of God is to choose the sinful way of life. The iniquity will be upon the person and will have to tolerate the punishment of it, no atonement being made for it by sacrifice; it shall be upon the person and that individual only, or be within them, not repented of and not forgiven. Planning evil or worldly pleasure intentions attracts the devil and his cohorts. The approach indicates to God that a person does not elect to serve Him but themselves, which means following the flesh. There is no medium.
Today, there is only one way to live for God: we either follow His Word or despise it. The decision rests with us.