Could not stand before their enemies

n Joshua, chapter seven, verse twelve, the truth of this stanza applies not only to God’s people corporately but also to individual members. Persistent and unrepentant sin in a person’s life will cut them off from the grace of God. Such individuals no longer live under the help and protection of God and will not be able to stand against the enemies of their souls who attack and seek to destroy them. Slavery to sin, tragedy and spiritual death will result unless sin is out.
Therefore. This plain statement disposes of the idea that the repulse before Ai was simply the result of Joshua’s rashness in sending so small a body of troops. The vivid narrative of the detection of Achan, obviously taken from contemporary records, precedes the account of the final capture of the city. Although Joshua, who, as we have seen, does not neglect to employ human means, resolves to take better precautions before making a second attack. Not a hint on the release of the former number of men was insufficient, or deception may have occurred for Joshua on the information brought by the inspecting party. 
Is the defect entirely owing to the existence of secret sin in the Israelitish camp? “Except ye destroy the accursed from among you” is God’s Word to Joshua on behalf of the children of Israel. God lets his servant know what is happening so they can warn them. The decision will be up to the Israelites to turn from their sinful ways. 
Today, many people have some experience either of a Christian background, attended Sunday school at church, or have some form of Biblical knowledge. However, their assessment of such involvement did not resonate enough for them to realize the truth. Therefore, they live according to how they want, only to fight a losing battle of sin, which gives the enemy access. On the other hand, Christians who know and struggle to stay free from iniquity: find themselves losing the fight in life because of the back and forth, in and out of sin. 

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