Continual burnt offering

In Numbers, chapter twenty-eight, verse three, the Lord speaks to Moses concerning a continual burnt offering from the people of Israel. Chapters twenty-eight and twenty-nine stress the importance of continual sacrifices and offerings made to the Lord. They were to be made daily on weekly sabbath days at the beginning of each month on certain days of the sacred year. The continual need to draw near to God with sacrifice emphasized the truth that regular, unceasing communion with God was necessary for His continual presence and blessing. The spiritual principle has not changed. Believers today must draw near to God daily in prayer and worship to receive His saving grace and help.
God had directed Moses to command the people of Israel to observe to offer the sacrifices of God. The Lord continues to speak of them to them particularly and distinctly. The law initially came through Exodus twenty-nine thirty-eight. The same things are said here, only, as a further descriptive character of the lambs, they are to be “without spot.” So all sacrifices were to be without blemish, whether expressed or not.
These lambs were typical of Christ, the Lamb of God, without spot and wrinkle and are said to be a “continual” burnt offering. They offer it every day of the week, without any intermission, on any account whatever, which is frequently noticeable in this chapter. However, this was to continue and did until the Messiah came to put an end to it by sacrificing himself. And was made to cease a few years after, by the utter destruction of Jerusalem, and was a little while interrupted in the times of Antiochus, in Daniel eight eleven through twelve, and Daniel nine verse twenty-seven. Antiochus blasphemed, whose worship he stopped, the temple he profaned, and ill-used his people; all which was against God. and is proof of the pride and insolence of this king.

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