Consecrate His service this day

In First Chronicles, chapter twenty-nine, verse five, illustrates in this section the right attitude in giving to God’s kingdom work. Believers must have delight and commitment to God’s kingdom, as in verses three and seventeen, the willingness to consecrate themselves and their possessions to God, as in verses five through six. The joy that arises out of wholehearted giving, as in verse nine, is an acknowledgment that what followers of God justly gained has come from Him. Humility and thanksgiving for the privilege of having a part in God’s eternal purposes in verses thirteen to fifteen, motives for giving that come out of a sincere heart and righteous life, and prayer that God might continue to direct our hearts to a steadfast faithfulness to Him and His cause on earth.
Who then is willing to consecrate his service? To “fill his hand” is to make an offering as in Exodus thirty-two, verse twenty-nine, Leviticus eight, verse thirty-three, and First Kings thirteen, verse thirty-three, respectively. The meaning is that whoever would contribute voluntarily, as he had done, would be offering a free offering to the Lord. It was a sacrifice that every one of them could make, and in presenting, the offerer himself would be the priest. David, suggesting free will offerings for the temple, imitated the conduct of Moses about the Tabernacle, as in Exodus twenty-five, verses one through eight.
What is complete in works of piety and charity should be done willingly, not by constraint. For God loves a cheerful giver. David set a good example. This David offered, not from constraint or for show but because he had set his affection to the house of God and thought he could never do enough to promote that good work. Those who would draw others to good must lead the way themselves.

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