Christ’s message to Churches

Christ’s message is for exhortation, warning, and edification for believers and churches throughout this age. The principle of these messages today contains a revelation of what Jesus loves and values and what He hates and condemns. A clear statement from Christ regarding the consequences of disobedience and spiritual neglect, the rewards for spiritual vigilance and faithfulness to Christ, a standard by which any church or individual may judge their spiritual state before God.
An example of Satan’s methods attacking the church or the individual Christian: Using a question and answer format, the following examines each aspect of Christ’s messages.
What does Christ praise? Christ praises a church for not tolerating wicked persons, for testing the life, doctrine, and claims of Christian leaders. Perseverance in faith, love, witness, service, and suffering for Christ: for hating what God hates, for overcoming sin, Satan, and the ungodly world, for refusing to conform to immorality in the world and worldliness in the church, and for keeping God’s Word.
How does Christ reward churches that persevere and remain loyal to Him and His Word? He rewards such churches by delivering them from the time of trial that will come upon the world, giving them His love, presence, and intimate fellowship, by blessing them with eternal life with God.
What does Christ condemn? Christ condemns a church for diminishing an intimate personal devotion to Himself and God. Departing from Biblical faith, tolerating immorality among church leaders and persons of influence, for becoming spiritually dead or lukewarm, substituting outward success and affluence for genuine spirituality: such as purity, righteousness, and spiritual wisdom.
How does Christ punish churches that decline spiritually and tolerate immorality? He punishes such churches by removing them from their place in God’s kingdom. Withdrawing His presence, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Biblical message of salvation, and the protection of their members from Satan’s destruction, and by placing their leaders under God’s judgment.
What does Christ’s message reveal about the neutral trend of churches toward spiritual stagnation, decline, and apostasy?
The trend is the tendency for churches to make mistakes and accept false teaching, to adapt to the evil, anti-God elements of the world. In addition, sometimes, churches encounter wicked and unfaithful people. For this reason, a church’s present spiritual state can never be taken as a valid test of God’s will or as an ultimate justification for determining truth and sound doctrine. The gospel is the original message of Christ, and the apostles are the elite authority by which to measure truth and falsehood.
How can churches avoid spiritual decline and the accompanying judgment by Christ? First, all churches must be willing to hear, as stated in Revelation chapter two, verse seven. The Word of Jesus Christ must be the church’s guide: His Word reveals to the New Testament apostles through the Holy Spirit, which churches must examine their beliefs and activities and renew their spiritual lives. Churches must continually analyze their spiritual condition before God and, if necessary, correct their degree of toleration of worldliness and immorality among their members. The spiritual decline can stop by any church or group only if there is sincere repentance and a diligent return to the original love, truth, purity, and power of Jesus Christ’s Biblical revelation.

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