Christian’s relationship to the World

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Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.                                    1 John 2:15

The relationship of the believer to the world should be similar to what we use for transit. We use it as an opportunity to fulfill our agendas and ambitions concerning family and the will of God. However, for some who have personal transportation, we have the responsibility to maintain and care. Not to dwell in or spend valuable time admiring it.
The world itself is a monumental system that Satan promotes that exists separate from God. This planet not only embraces the evil, immoral, and sinful lifestyle, there is the spirit of rebellion or disinterest in God and His Word that exists in all human enterprises.
The challenges where so many believers fail or fall away are the things of the world. They navigate themselves daily in the world properly only to succumb to personal weaknesses that the enemy will expose to us one way or another. In the life of a believer, Satan will use the world’s ideas, morality, philosophies, psychology, governments, desires, culture, education, science, art, medicine, music, economic systems, entertainment, fashions, mass media, religions, sports, agriculture, in the attempt to oppose God. These things of the world are the deceptive means the enemy utilizes to continuously form an attraction for the believer to shift their focus away from their relationship with God.
Loving the things of the world and God simultaneously are impossible. The situation is similar to loving a spouse and having a side relationship with another. The dangers of this lifestyle are one or both will eventually feel the individual’s full attention is not present. The pressures of juggling this situation for the one committing this act is one will be receiving more in different areas than the other. The individual’s back and forth in the attempt to balance and satisfy both people involved will fail.
The moment Satan gets the believer to love one of the things of the world more than God, he knows it is not possible to fulfill both. Since God is pure and does not contaminate Himself with darkness, He will be the first to leave that vessel. Once the enemy has successfully able to get the former believer to submit and commit to his way, it will not be easy to return to the position they left.
The love of anything requires obedience to it. Therefore, to love God and the world is impractical. Let God or let go.

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