
Care for Poor?

In this world, there are both the rich and the poor, haves and have-nots. Frequently those who have material wealth take advantage of those who have little, often gaining more at the expense of the exploited poor. Biblically, believers should treat the poor and needy in a godly manner. God’s concern for the poor and …

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Intercessory Prayer

Intercession is holy, believing, persevering prayer where someone pleads with God. The intercessor could be praying for others who desperately need God’s intervention. The prayer that Daniel made in chapter nine in the book of Daniel is an example of intercessory prayer. He prays earnestly for Jerusalem’s restoration and the entire nation. The intercession of …

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The Peace of God

Peace can refer to tranquility in international relationships, such as peace between warring nations. It can also refer to a settled feeling within a society. It can be an experience of wholeness and harmony in human relationships, both inside and outside the home. It can refer to one’s sense of wholeness and well-being, free from …

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Effective praying

What is effective praying? A believer genuinely, compellingly, calling on the name of the Lord. Prayer refers to the multifaceted communication of believers with the Lord. In addition to the words ‘prayer’ and ‘praying,’ this is actively described as calling on God, crying with one’s voice to the Lord, lifting one’s soul to the Lord, …

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