
A dream

In Genesis, chapter thirty-seven, verse five, Joseph dreamed a dream. However, this is not the first time a vision begins. In Genesis chapter twenty, verse three, God came to Abimelech in a dream by night regarding Sarah, Abraham’s wife. God sometimes reveals His will to us through prophetic dreams to help direct our path in …

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Coat of Colors

In Genesis, chapter thirty-seven, verse three, describes the “coat of many colors” that Joseph receives from his father. It presents a marked contrast to the plainer tunics worn by his brothers. The “coat of many colors” represents a position of special favoritism and honor with his father. Jacob deeply loved Joseph’s mother, Rachel, while regarding …

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Esau’s riches

In Genesis, chapter thirty-six, verse six, Esau prospered materially, yet he did not spiritually. His life characterizes by little regard for spiritual things. Esau was a cunning hunter, and he had a craftiness for the outdoors. To become crafty, a person would need to spend quite a bit of time gaining experience to find their …

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In Genesis chapter thirty-five, verse twenty-two, Reuben, the firstborn of Jacob’s twelve sons, was entitled to the birthright and the first place of leadership, honor, and power. Instead, Jacob’s firstborn commits a sexual sin with his father’s concubine and removes him from that position. In other words, failure in character manifested by serious sinful actions …

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She called him

In Genesis chapter thirty-five, verse eighteen, Leah and Rachel named all Jacob’s children. However, Rachel named one of her children Ben-oni which means son of my sorrow. A name like this would have put a terrible burden of guilt on the boy and made him think he was responsible for his mother’s death. Jacob changed …

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