
I bare you

In Exodus chapter nineteen, verse four, God called Moses out of the mountain to speak to him. He told Moses to inform the house of Jacob and the children of Israel, to recognize what He did to the Egyptians, how the protection was present until now, and to bring them to Himself. For example, the …

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Now I know

In Exodus chapter eighteen, verse eleven, Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, replies to him by saying, “Now I know.” The response is in light of Moses telling his father-in-law what the Lord has done since they left Egypt. Jethro, the priest of Midian, a relative of Moses, came to visit him in the wilderness, where he encamped …

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Every morning

In exodus chapter sixteen, verse twenty-one, God gave orders to gather only enough for each day to teach the people that their daily existence depended exclusively upon His gift. The Israelites miraculously were brought out from Egypt. After three days without water going through the wilderness of Shur, they discover the waters in Marah were …

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