

In Numbers, chapter fourteen, verse six, Joshua and Caleb stood against the majority opinion of the spies. Basing their report on a firm commitment to God and complete confidence in His promises to Israel, they refused to accept the overwhelming decision of God’s people: even at the risk of their lives. This important event in …

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An evil report

In Numbers, chapter thirteen, verse thirty-two, the unbelief of the ten spies had two dimensions: first, God’s past faithfulness to His people did not bring these ten men into a loyal relationship with Him. Second, they did not trust God and His promises concerning their future. Their lack of faith stood in marked contrast to …

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In Numbers, chapter twelve, verse three, speaks about Moses being the meekest man upon the face of the earth. This reference is not clear as to who is making the statement. However, some believe it is probably a parenthetical comment added by Joshua after Moses’ death. Moses’ submission lay in his humble trust in God …

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Ethiopian woman

In Numbers, chapter twelve, verse one, Mariam and Aaron speak against Moses due to the woman he married: she was an Ethiopian. Moses’ marriage to an Ethiopian woman was not legally or morally wrong. Mariam and Aaron’s complaint was a charade to cover their jealousy of Moses’ authority. These two were both relatives of Moses. …

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when the Spirit rested on them they prophesied

In Numbers, chapter eleven, verse twenty-five, the scripture demonstrates that prophecy often accompanies the falling of God’s Spirit upon His people. The account in Acts about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and afterward indicates that Spirit-filled believers prophesied and spoke in other tongues by the impulse of the Holy …

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