

In Job, chapter one, verses six through seven, before the death and resurrection of Christ, Satan had occasional access to the presence of God, whereby he could question the sincerity and righteousness of a believer, as in this chapter one, verses six through twelve, chapter two, verses one through six, chapter thirty-eight, verse seven, and …

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My sons

In Job, chapter one, verse five, as a godly parent, Job was deeply concerned for the spiritual welfare of his children. He watched their conduct and lifestyle, praying to God that they would be kept from evil and experience God’s blessing and salvation. Job exemplifies a father whose heart is turned toward his children by …

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In Job, chapter one, verse one, begins a book many defer not to read or study because it involves a man of God who experiences suffering and public criticism. Job lived in the age of the patriarchs, in the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Old Testament. Arguably, the land of Uz is …

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In Esther, chapter nine, verse twenty-six, Mordecai established the feast of Purim, as in verses twenty-through twenty-three, a two-day festival celebrating God’s deliverance of His people from Haman’s sinister plot of genocide toward the people of God. The feast was called “Purim,” recalling that Haman used the “Pur” or lot to determine the day the …

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