
Thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised?

In Judges, chapter fourteen, verse three, although the Lord had blessed Samson and empowered him with the Spirit, as in chapter thirteen, verse twenty-four through twenty-five, section fourteen, verse six, then nineteen and chapter fifteen, verse fourteen, respectively. Even though Samson was mighty and blessed by God with enormous strength, this particular Nazarite made fatal …

Thou goest to take a wife of the uncircumcised? Read More »

The Philistines

In Judges, chapter thirteen, verse one, a great movement of Philistines migrated to the south coast of Canaan, possibly from Crete, where Capthor means Crete as in Jeremiah forty-seven, verse four, and Amos nine, verse seven, respectively. They became the principal enemy of the Hebrews during the years of battle until the time of David. …

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She knew no man

In Judges, chapter eleven, verse thirty-nine, it seems apparent that Jephthah did not physically sacrifice his daughter’s life as in verses thirty through thirty-one for at least two reasons. He would be acquainted with God’s law sternly for bidding human sacrifice and would know that God considers such action an intolerable abomination. The emphasis that …

She knew no man Read More »