
They have rejected me

In First Samuel, chapter eight, verse seven, Israel’s government had been a theocracy: God ruled Israel as their king. He governed through direct guidance, through special revelation and the written word, and through chosen and anointed leaders. When Israel requested a monarchial government, her kings took office under hereditary succession rather than by God’s choice. …

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His sons

In First Samuel, chapter eight, verses one through three, Samuel made his sons judges in the southern part of Israel, but they did not follow the father’s good example. The choice belongs to them. However, the Bible does not blame Samuel the way it does Eli. Samuel had not allowed them to function as priests: …

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In First Samuel, chapter Four, verse twenty-one, Ichabod means “no glory.” The Glory of Israel was God and His manifested presence on Earth among His people. Phinehas’ widow was rightly concerned about the departure of God’s glory, as in verses nineteen through twenty-two. Similar to the new covenant, believers must be concerned if the spirit’s …

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