
You shall not go into them, neither they to you

In First Kings, chapter eleven, verse two, Solomon’s possession of many wives not only ignored God’s commandment for kings not to make multiple wives in Deuteronomy seventeen, verse seventeen, but also transgressed God’s prohibition against marrying pagan wives from the Canaanites as in Exodus thirty-four, verse twelve through sixteen, and Joshua twenty-three, verses twelve to …

You shall not go into them, neither they to you Read More »

Forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways

In First Kings, chapter eight, verse thirty-nine, Solomon understood that God would forgive His people if they turned from their sin and sincerely repented in regret and sorrow, as in verses thirty-five through thirty-six. He also acknowledged that God might have to discipline them so that they may fear all days that they may live …

Forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways Read More »

My name

In First Kings, chapter eight, verse twenty-nine, the name of God represents His presence, character, and glory. This theme stanza is part of Solomon’s prayer of dedication that he was saying to the Lord. Solomon begins his opening statement to God in verse twenty-three and ends at fifty-three. However, the theme here refers back to …

My name Read More »