
Cursed them

In Second Kings, chapter two, verse twenty-four, to avenge the honor of the Lord, Elisha pronounced upon them divine judgment expressed in the covenant law of blessing and cursing, as in Leviticus twenty-six, verses twenty-one through twenty-two, and Deuteronomy thirty, verse nineteen, respectively. God judged the depraved children by sending the two bears in Galatians …

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mocked him

In Second Kings, chapter two, verse twenty-three, some believe that the youths who mocked Elisha were a gang organized to oppose his ministry. Older kids would undoubtedly have been out in the fields. But even today, this outsider coming to the village attracted a small group of boys. These children may have heard their parents …

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Go and prosper

In First Kings, chapter twenty-two, verse fifteen, Micaiah mimicked the prediction of the false prophet that Ahab knew he was not serious, as in the following verse. Micaiah then knew the true prophetic vision he had received in verse seventeen. The meaning was clear: Ahab would die, and Israel would retreat home. The kindness we …

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In First Kings, chapter twenty-one, verse twenty-five, the goal of Ahab’s wicked wife was to uproot the worship of the Lord and to substitute the Baal of Tyre as the chief god of Israel, but she failed to do so. Instead, her name has become synonymous with wickedness, witchcraft, treachery, and spiritual seduction. Jezebel is …

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