
There is no God in all the earth but in Israel

In Second Kings, chapter five, verse fifteen, it is astonishing that Naaman, a foreigner, was miraculously delivered from leprosy and converted to the true God, while many lepers in Israel remained unclean. Jesus Himself mentioned Naaman in Luke four, verse twenty-seven, to emphasize that when God’s people disobey Him and His Word, He will take …

There is no God in all the earth but in Israel Read More »

Wash in Jordan

In Second Kings, chapter five, verse ten, Elisha instructed Naaman to wash himself in the muddy waters of the Jordan River as a simple demonstration of humility and obedience. Furthermore, by doing so, Naaman would find it impossible to ascribe the cure to humans or natural means. The Israelites and the Assyrians knew that the …

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In Second Kings, chapter five, verse one, the story of Naaman demonstrates the providence of God in verses one through fourteen, His saving power and grace in verses fifteen to nineteen, and His judgment upon sin in verses twenty through twenty-seven. Prominent in the narrative is that God’s grace and salvation are not limited to …

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To gather herbs

In Second Kings, chapter four, verse thirty-nine, unlike the affluent lifestyle of the wealthy, the way of life for the “sons of the prophets” was simple, involving faithful service and self-denial. One of the sons of the prophets, probably, went out into the neighboring country and looked about for any wild fruits or vegetables that …

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The man of God

In Second Kings, chapter four, verse twenty-one, Elisha was known by people from all walks of life as “the man of God,” as in verses nine, sixteen, twenty-two, twenty-five, twenty-seven, and forty, respectively. Other examples are chapter five, verse eight: chapter six, verses six, nine to ten, chapter seven, verse eighteen, chapter eight, verses four, …

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A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets

In Second Kings, chapter four, verse one, the miraculous acts of Elisha present spiritual truths in dramatic action. The narrative of the widow and her two children reveals that God cares for His faithful in need and distress. The widow and her children represent God’s forsaken and oppressed people. In the Old and New Testaments, …

A certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets Read More »