

In Second Kings, chapter fourteen, verse one, Amaziah the King began well but later fell into idolatry as in Second Chronicles, twenty-five, verse fourteen, for he did not act “with a perfect heart,” as in verse two. Amaziah had not firmly resolved to do God’s will at any cost. Essential to perseverance in the faith …

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Slew Joash

In Second Kings, chapter twelve, verse twenty, the conspiracy against Joash (Jehoash) occurred because he had rejected the Lord, begun to worship other gods, and killed the high priest Zechariah as in Second Chronicles twenty-four, verses seventeen through twenty-two and twenty-five, respectively. Not long after the departure of the Syrians, who had left Joash, according …

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In Second Kings, chapter twelve, verse two, as long as Jehoiada, the high priest, was his counselor, Jehoash served the Lord. However, after Jehoiada’s death, Jehoash forsook the Lord and began to serve idols, as in Second Chronicles twenty-four, verses seventeen through eighteen. He multiplied his sin by murdering Jehoiada’s son Zechariah, who had condemned …

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In Second Kings, chapter eleven, verse four, Jehoiada, the husband of Jehosheba, was the high priest of the Lord during Athaliah’s reign in the southern kingdom, as in verse two and Second Chronicles twenty-two, verse eleven, respectively. He instigated Athaliah’s overthrow in Second Chronicles twenty-three, set Joash in chapter twelve, verse one, on the throne, …

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