
Worshiped all the host of heaven

In Second Kings, chapter seventeen, verse sixteen, the Israelites worshiped astral deities and other gods because they believed such gods would provide a better life. They expected greater prosperity, fertility, health, well-being, and security. For this reason, greed is known as “idolatry.” Jesus Himself states prosperity and wealth as the ultimate goal in life are …

Worshiped all the host of heaven Read More »

The prophets

In Second Kings, chapter seventeen, verse thirteen, Israel rejected God’s prophets, those who spoke against sin and called for repentance and obedience to the Lord’s Word and statutes, as the examples in Judges six, verses eight through ten, First Kings thirteen, verses one to three, chapter fourteen, verses six through sixteen, and Acts seven, verses …

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Walked in the statues of the heathen

In Second Kings, chapter seventeen, verse eight, Israel all too eagerly accepted the lifestyles and standards of those who were not God’s people. Although separation from the nations was one of God’s fundamental requirements for Israel, as in Leviticus eighteen, verses three and thirty, Deuteronomy twelve, verses twenty-nine through thirty-one, and chapter eighteen, nine to …

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Carried them captive to Assyria

In Second Kings, chapter fifteen, verse twenty-nine, this invasion by Tiglath-pileser of Assyria represented the first stage of Israel’s captivity in exile. Those living in the northern and eastern sections of Israel were carried away from their homeland into Mesopotamia as in chapter sixteen, verses five through nine, Second Chronicles twenty-eight, verses sixteen through twenty-one, …

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In Second Kings, chapter fifteen, verse one, Azariah, also called Uzziah in Second Chronicles twenty-six, was King of Judah for fifty-two years. When the son of Amariah died, God commissioned the prophet Isaiah as a messenger to Judah and Israel. However, Azariah was struck with leprosy because he disobeyed God by assuming the function of …

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The Lord saw the affliction of Israel

In Second Kings, chapter fourteen, verse twenty-six, in compassion for His people, God used Jeroboam to help Israel. However, God’s goodness did not lead to repentance. Israel’s prosperity was a time of corruption spiritually, morally, and socially. Both Amos and Hosea spoke of a people deeply depraved. Luxury, revelry, immorality, injustice, violence, and deceit of …

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