
My Servant Job

In Job, chapter forty-two, verse eight, God calls him “my servant” in verses seven and eight and states twice the acceptance of his prayer in verses eight and nine. God will hear Job’s intercessory prayer for his three friends because of his righteous standing. Still, restoration to the favor of God granted Job spiritual authority

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Spoken of me the thing that is right

In Job, chapter forty-two, verse seven, the Lord condemned his three friends of Job for their erroneous theology of prosperity and suffering, evident in their accusations against Job. Their three main errors were they taught a retributive principle of prosperity and suffering: the righteous will always blessed, and the wicked will always experience adversity. They

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In Job, chapter forty, verse fifteen, many identify the behemoth as the hippopotamus and the leviathan in chapter forty-one as a giant crocodile or a whale. Through these illustrations, God emphasized that if Job could not subdue the great creatures of the world, then he was in no position to question and counsel God, who

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