
Hear me 

In Psalms, chapter four, verses one through eight, reveal the kinds of people God will hear in times of distress. They must have a personal relationship of trust in God, as in verses five through eight, an earnest desire for God’s help, from verses one, three, and six, and a godly lifestyle, as in verses

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In Psalms chapter three, verse two, the meaning of this word comes at the very end of the sentence: Selah. The definition of this term is uncertain: many believe it may signal a pause, a musical interlude, or a music climax. There are seventy-five instances of “Selah” in the Old Testament and none in the

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The ungodly

In Psalms, chapter one, verses four through six, describes the unrepentant sinners with three awful pictures. They are like chaff blown away by the forces they cannot see, as in Ephesians two, verse two, who are the children of disobedience living in transgression and sins. All who are without Christ are under the influence of

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