
High places

In Second Chronicles, chapter twenty, verse thirty-three, high places were elevated spaces for idolatrous worship activity. God wanted His people to destroy these places lest they fall into such worship, as in Numbers thirty-three, verse fifty-two. The presence and temptation of the high places represented in the land testified to Judah’s lack of sincere love …

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If ye seek Him

In Second Chronicles, chapter fifteen, verse two, seeking the Lord conscientiously has outstanding results. Those who seek the Lord will experience the peace and rest of God. The meaning is not merely the absence of conflict but the experience of forgiveness and a clear conscience, as in Acts twenty-four, verse sixteen, and First Timothy three, …

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Seek the Lord

In Second Chronicles, chapter fourteen, verse four, it is essential to any reformation or revival among God’s people is seeking the Lord. Eight times, “seek the Lord” appears in verses from chapters fourteen through sixteen, starting from Second Chronicles fourteen, verses four, seven, chapter fifteen, verse two, four, verses twelve through thirteen, fifteen, and chapter …

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