
Transgressed after abominations of heathen

In Second Chronicles, chapter thirty-six, verse fourteen, the most prevailing failure of God’s people throughout redemptive history has been their lack of resolve to remain separate from the unrighteous lifestyle and value system of the society and culture around them. Instead of abstaining from the immoral values, customs, and lifestyles of the world, all too …

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Prayed unto Him

In Second Chronicles, chapter thirty-three, verse thirteen, Manassah forsook the God of his father, Hezekiah, and became more evil than any other king in Judah’s history. However, in times of crisis and great distress, as in verses eleven and twelve, this king genuinely repented and cried out to God in verse twelve and thirteen. God’s …

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To try Him

In Second Chronicles, chapter thirty-two, verse thirty-one, the story of Hezekiah’s dealings with the ambassadors from Babylon is told in Second Kings twenty, verses twelve through nineteen, and Isaiah thirty-nine. God sometimes withdraws evidence of his nearness and favor to test the hearts and steadfast trust of the servants. God may also test the genuineness …

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Be not afraid

In Second Chronicles, chapter thirty-two, verse seven, Hezekiah’s words of faith may have been inspired by the experience and words of the prophet Elisha in Second Kings six, verse sixteen. Hezekiah’s exhortation not to be afraid, together with his promise that “with us is the Lord our God to help us, and to fight our …

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The Lord hath blessed His people

In Second Chronicles, chapter thirty-one, verse ten, sowing generously into God’s house and kingdom will bring an abundant harvest of God’s blessings. Are we willing to give generously of our means for God’s work and ministry, locally and abroad, as First Corinthians nine, verse fourteen and Philippians four, verses fifteen through eighteen? Unwillingness to do …

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They might be encouraged in the law

In Second Chronicles, chapter thirty-one, verse four, Hezekiah commanded the people to give the first fruits and the tithe of all their produce to the priests and Levites, as in Exodus twenty-three, verse nineteen, Leviticus twenty-seven, verses thirty through thirty-three, Numbers eighteen, verse twelve, verses twenty to twenty-four, and Deuteronomy twenty-six, respectively, enabling the priests …

They might be encouraged in the law Read More »