
False Teachers

Believers must be aware that within the churches may be ministers of God’s Word who are of the same Spirit and life as the corrupt teachers of God’s law in Jesus’ day. Jesus warns that not everyone who professes Christ is a true believer, nor are all Christian writers, missionaries, pastors, evangelists, teachers, deacons, and …

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Divine Healing

The problem of sickness and disease intersects with the difficulty of sin and death. Since the consequences of the fall, humanity has the opportunity for redemption through the Son of God. Whereas medical science views the cause of sickness and disease in psychological or psychosomatic terms, the Bible presents two spiritual causes as the underlying …

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The Church

The church is the congregation of God’s people in Christ, who are called together as citizens of God’s kingdom to worship Him. The word “church” refers to a local church or universal church. A sanctuary that presents as the people of God, the company of redeemed believers made possible by Christ’s death. It is a …

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The Temple

The forerunner of the temple was the tabernacle, the tent that God instructed the Israelites to build while stationed in the wilderness at Mount Sinai. After entering the promised land of Canaan, they retained the mobile sanctuary until King Solomon. During the time of the monarchy, the temple endures several cycles of defilement and restoration. …

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