Captain of the host of the Lord

In Joshua, chapter five, verse fourteen, Joshua is made aware of the unseen presence of God and His heavenly army, prepared to battle alongside His faithful people. Joshua’s experience teaches us as believers that we are not alone in our struggles on this earth. Spiritual forces are fighting on our behalf as well as against us. We have the Holy Spirit constantly with us as our helper and defender.
The army of Israel was beginning a conflict under an untried leader. Behind them, the Jordan barred their retreat. In front of them, Jericho forbade their advance. Most of them had never seen a fortified city and had no experience nor engines for a siege. So we may well suppose that many doubts and fears shook the courage of the host as it drew around the doomed city. Their chief had his heavy burden. He seems to have gone apart to meditate on what his next step was to be.
Joshua remembers how it was for Moses before he received the responsibility at the helm of leading God’s people against Jericho. Moses had to seek the Lord for guidance when he was under the direction of the Mighty God. Joshua, who was there during those days, realizes his situation and must do the same. Experiencing these circumstances, he will not take matters into his own hands. Moses’ successor understood what happens when Aaron, Moses’ older brother, does not seek God and ends up catering to the people, which could lead to sin.
Today, believers experience the same with spiritual forces fighting on our behalf and against us. The Holy Spirit is our aid to help in our situations and defend us when we call upon Him. However, it all depends on our approach, attitude, and demeanor. If our mood and responses to a circumstance are good, and we ask for help, we will receive favor from God and the Holy Spirit. However, if the opposite, it allows the evil one to invade the situation for disruption and corruption.

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