But sent leanness into their soul

In Psalms, chapter one hundred and six, verse fifteen, shows we must beware of desiring and pursuing what is not in the will of God. When we insist on satisfying our selfish desires, God sometimes lets us have our way, but in it comes spiritual leanness and physical calamity. God may allow us to pursue things contrary to His revealed will, such as an unholy vocational ambition, an unholy love affair, worldly pleasures, covetous desires, or ungodly fellowship with believers. However, those things have destructive consequences, as in Genesis thirteen, verses twelve through thirteen, and Hosea thirteen, verse eleven.

The theme verse under God’s Mercy to Israel section reminds us of the old saying, “You can’t always get what you want.” Still, then again, we must be careful what we ask for. The people of God did not realize the impact of how much the Egyptians had upon their lives before the deliverance out of Egypt. Their lifestyle and the ungodly ways during their years in captivity wore on them. The Israelites got accustomed to the environment even though, at times, it was hard and seemed to affect their mindset.

The verse before the theme ties into the key verse from Psalms one hundred and six, verse fourteen: “But lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.” Although the Israelites were finally free physically, they were not free mentally. The environment from which they came all these years of bondage bonded their minds, and they could not see beyond what they learned in that nation. Did the Israelites realize who was on their side? He showed them at the Red Sea who had the power.

Believers today must realize that no other gods, idols, or spirits can do what God has done: Not today, tomorrow, or ever.

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