Bring abomination into thine house?

In Deuteronomy, chapter seven, verse twenty-six, the “abomination” refers to the silver and gold on the idols of the Canaanites. Anything connected to idolatry the children of Israel had to destroy. This caution to the Israelites to remove whatever was detestable from their houses applies today. Anything that promotes sin and immorality and is contrary to God’s holy nature must not be allowed into our homes. Therefore, believers must be careful that they do not allow the influence of immoral lifestyles of the ungodly to penetrate their homes safely through the entertainment media and other outlets that have the potential to pollute the environment.
Rather, permitting evil, sin, and ungodliness, we must utterly detest and scorn it. To tolerate and enjoy evil within our homes is to fall under the judgment of God through Him withdrawing the presence and favor. We are in danger of having fellowship with the works of darkness if we take pleasure in association with those who do such activity. Whatever brings us into a snare brings us under a curse. Let us be constant in our duty, and we cannot question the constancy of God’s mercy.
The importance of removing the abomination of idols from a house is because it carries a spirit. These objects can be a weight, setback goals, or potential of blocking something the resident intends to achieve. Even though the items do not move, what it represents is a concern and permit access to the powers of darkness and the capability of doing evil things in the spiritual world that the natural eyes cannot see to the person and the home. Especially for believers, these idols can bind a person without them even knowing it and leave them questioning what is going on with their life. The believer has to ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which a person must ask to see in the spiritual world what is happening with them and to know why they cannot move forward to accomplish the things they have set or the things God said.

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