Bestow upon you

In Exodus chapter thirty-two, verse twenty-nine, Moses instructs the people to consecrate themselves to receive the blessing from the Lord. This instruction from Moses came after he descended from the mountain to discover the sinful activity among the Israelites. He confronts the people to ask, “who is on the Lord’s side? After the sanctification of the people, only the tribe of Levi, which is Moses’ tribe, distinguishes itself by immediately returning to its allegiance and obeying the call to fight on the side of God. The other three thousand Israelites are those who persisted in resisting Moses and faced the consequences of being slaughtered.
The children of Levi remained faithful to the Lord from the rest of the Israelites before being slaughtered. They turned the curse pronounced upon them into a blessing. The children of Levi were among the rest of the Israelites. However, they were not in charge of the situation, but Moses’ brother Aaron had the responsibility. The children of Levi were appointed to care for the tabernacle and to assist the priests.
God’s curses and blessings are the conditions of one’s actions and with the potential to be reversed by repentance and obedience. When Moses calls for who is on the Lord’s side, the children of Levi do not hesitate to go over to Moses. Unfortunately, they were caught up in the environment when the other Israelites made the molten calf and indulged in immoral activity. However, it does not state the children of Levi were involved in it but among it. Today, there are people similar to the children of Levi. They live among others who may believe in God but do not live their life for Him. They have to deal with corrupt environments, which may contaminate them, such as unanticipated worldly parties or events. However, the fact believers may eventually recognize what they are in and come to repentance and resume obedience allows God to change the curse into a blessing.

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