
In Job, chapter forty, verse fifteen, many identify the behemoth as the hippopotamus and the leviathan in chapter forty-one as a giant crocodile or a whale. Through these illustrations, God emphasized that if Job could not subdue the great creatures of the world, then he was in no position to question and counsel God, who had made these creatures as in forty-one, verse ten. Job must trustfully submit to God’s rule over the universe, the affairs of humankind, and the lives of His followers. He must trust God and maintain his faith in God both during the suffering and afflictions of life and during the times of blessing.
God, proving his power, describes two vast animals, far exceeding man in bulk and strength. Behemoth signifies beasts. Most understand it as an animal well known in Egypt called the river horse or hippopotamus. This vast animal is an argument to humble ourselves before the great God, for he created this vast animal. Whatever strength this or any other creature has, it is from God. He that made the soul of man and knows all the ways and can make the sword of justice, his wrath, to approach and touch it. Every godly man has spiritual weapons, the whole armor of God, to resist, yea, to overcome the tempter, that his never-dying soul may be safe, whatever becomes of his frail flesh and mortal body.
All believers like Job, not his situation, but our circumstances must trust God and maintain faith. How do we do this? An example would be flour that makes dough to make bread or baking dessert. Our thoughts are already looking beyond the flour to having the bread or dessert done and ready to enjoy. The attitude will include how we talk, act, and carry out our activity. When the Lord sees this from us will confirm to Him and will act upon our behalf to bring it to pass. However, how we live and behave may affect and depend on whether God will work to grant it.

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