Because of his people Israel

In First Chronicles, chapter fourteen, verse two, the kingdom of David was highly exalted, not for his own sake, but for the sake of all God’s people. David was to establish Israel’s position in the world so that they might serve God in righteousness and truth. Under the new covenant, God may exalt a person, not for that own person’s sake, but so that God’s people might build up morally and spiritually.
The truth is that sovereigns are invested with royal honor and authority, not for their sakes so much as for that of their people. But while it is true of all kings, it applied to the monarchs of Israel, and even David knew that all his glory and greatness were given only to fit him, as the minister of God, to execute the divine purposes towards the chosen people.
Today, we have God involved in the lives of His people. Those who believe in Him are the light in their family and households. The ones who accept Jesus Christ open the door of opportunity to the souls who come to know Him in spirit and truth. Wherever a believer goes who serves the Lord, people will see the difference. The unbelievers who yet believe will see the light in those who serve Jesus.
That is why it is significant that God has in place His people who will continue to stand for Christ. The pastors, elders, missionaries, evangelists, teachers, preachers, ushers, deacons, and other helpers must live righteously according to the Word of God. Everything they do must be in love and the will of God and not our own. Otherwise, the light will dim, and the world will see us as a counterfeit and condemn us instead of listening to believers. To be the people of God, we must do everything with love.

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