Away with gods

In Genesis chapter thirty-five, verse two, God directed Jacob’s family to go to Bethel to bring them closer to obedience to His word. Jacob realizes the depth of spiritual deterioration in his family and commands his family to “Put away the strange gods among you.” This spiritual renewal in Jacob’s family consists of removing everything from their home that offended God and committing themselves to personal holiness by renewing vows to God in devotion and worship. The entrance to the fellowship with God and leading lives based on God’s Word and spiritual sacrifice. Because of this renewal, he again experienced God’s protection, presence, revelation, and blessing.
Today, many believers or Christians say they serve God or live for Him. The question is, how are we doing it? First and foremost is His Word. The Holy Book or Bible is God’s message of communication most often. The other area of serving God is keeping His commandments.
Many followers have trouble understanding, and some do not even realize it is the “other gods” that they might not be aware of themselves. Anything that may offend God, such as worldly pictures that appear demonic, could attract spirits that would hinder growing closer to God. For example, if a married person is living with their spouse and has an old picture of the ex-mate hanging on the wall, the portrait eventually would be a hindrance at some point. Why? Because it could potentially cause the person who formerly had the relationship to fall back often down memory lane while the other partner could arouse curiosity. Eventually, in cases like these, it takes one slip of the tongue to create a conflict that would cause the relationship to be topsy-turvy.
For God to shine in our life, He must shine in your residence. We must put away “other gods” or anything that distracts or consumes time.

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