Assurance of Salvation

Every Christian desire is to have an assurance of salvation, which is the certainty when Christ returns or when death comes, the person will go to be with the Lord Jesus in heaven. God’s people may have that assurance, as it states in First John chapter five verse thirteen. However, the experience of faith does not constitute or guarantee salvation. To think we possess eternal life solely on knowledge or belief that is no longer vital is wrong.
We have an assurance of eternal life if we believe in the name of the Son of God. There is no eternal life or affirmation of salvation apart from a genuine faith in Jesus Christ that confesses Him as the incarnate Son o God and Savior. We have the assurance of eternal life if we submit to Jesus as Lord of our lives and sincerely endeavor to obey His commands. We have the affirmation of eternal life if we love the Father, the Son rather than the world, and if we overcome the influence of the world.
We have the guarantee of eternal life if we habitually and persistently practice righteousness rather than sin. Do we love our brothers and sisters? God is love, and we must love one another. We have an assurance of eternal life if we are conscious of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. We have an affirmation of eternal life if we humbly follow Jesus’ example and live how He lived.
We have the promise of eternal life if we believe, accept, and remain in the ‘Word of life” and in the original message of Christ and the New Testament apostles. We have the assurance of eternal life if we earnestly long and hope for Christ’s return to receive us to Himself.

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