Any graven image

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse four is the second commandment stated by God about not making any graven images. Not to create any likeness of anything, from heaven, on earth, or in the water. The prohibition against the worship of other gods required that no one make an image of them, nor could anyone make the image of the Lord Himself. No Human has seen any likeness of God, so how could someone understand who He is when nobody has seen Him? When someone creates an image of who God looks like, they limit Him according to what they believe they know.
God is too great to be represented by anything made by human hands. As applied to believers in Christ, the second commandment forbids making images of God or creatures for worship, prayer, or spiritual help. The principle behind this command applies equally to all three persons of the Trinity. No image or picture of God can represent His glory and character of God. He is so transcendent, holy, and unsearchable that any figure of Him dishonors Him and detracts from His true nature and what He has revealed about Himself.
The believer’s concepts of God should not be based on images or pictures of Him but on God’s Word and His revelation in the person and work of Jesus Christ. What does the Bible say about God? Does the Word of God describe His appearance? In Exodus chapter three, verse two, the angel of the Lord appears amid the fire in a burning bush to Moses. The angel of the is known to be God Himself. Proverbs fifteen, verse three says God’s eyes are everywhere. If He is omnipresent, it would be hard to determine how God looks. Colossians one fifteen to nineteen says God is a Spirit: This means no physical form.

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