Abram’s Mistrust

In Genesis chapter twelve, verse thirteen, Abram (name at the time) goes down to Egypt with his wife Sarai (name at that time). As they came closer to the place, Abram told his wife Sarai to fabricate a story and tell them that she was his sister and not his wife. Why would Abram suddenly do that? Mistrust.
Abram starts to formulate a story about his wife being his sister as they approach Egypt. Why did Abram suddenly become doubtful?
In Second Corinthians, chapter five, verse seven, states the believers walk by faith and not by sight. If we walk by what we see and believe not, and not what God says in His Word, we will doubt like Abram. Abram trusted what he saw and knew the Egyptian’s reputation causing him to be doubtful about the safety of himself and his wife. Why did not Abram trust God in the first place? It is interesting to see Abram believes in God and His Word that he receives in verse one of chapter twelve in Genesis. However, in verse thirteen of the same chapter, he now doubts.
Obedience to God’s Word is essential when given directly to us. Many disbelieve or disobey based on what they see and what they hear. The Word is alive, and we must embrace it, especially regarding our situation in life. We should not let fear or anxiety determine how we react to God’s Word. The Word of God is the instruction to help within our lives.
God is pleased when we trust Him when we believe in Him. Trust and obey go hand in hand. Like the songwriter says, “trust and obey, for there is no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.” To avoid mistrust is to trust God.

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