Abraham obeyed

In Genesis, chapter twenty-six, verse five, God lifted Abraham as a model of the obedience of faith. Abraham made a sincere endeavor to keep the laws and commandments of the Lord. Because of this, God blessed him. Isaac and all believers must emulate Abraham’s faith and obedience if they hope to participate in God’s covenant promises and salvation.
The Blessing of Abraham is well-known as a seven-fold blessing that includes becoming a great nation, being blessed by God, a great name, a blessing to others, blessing those who bless you, cursing those who curse you, all people blessed through you. When Christians or believers hear of “the blessing of Abraham,” most often believe they will experience this by asking God, and that is it. However, God does not limit His people from anything good, but in this case, many followers misunderstood. Abraham did not just sit and live anyhow. To receive this blessing of God, he had to follow instructions.
Abraham believed and served God in righteousness and obedience the best way he could. His heart was not set upon riches but on doing the things that God asked of him. There is a big difference why so many people desire the blessing of Abraham but do not want to serve in right-doing and obedience to God. How else could they receive it?
Today, people are still trying other means to discover and experience the blessing of Abraham. If these people’s hearts were on living for God and not doing something to earn it, they would have received it. Many times, people invent self-made blessing strategies and then declare it is the blessing of Abraham. God does not need help from His creation to determine and distribute grace. The goodness of the Lord make it rich and addeth no sorrow.

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