Abraham gave all

In Genesis, chapter twenty-five, verse five, Abraham’s last act was to ensure that God’s covenant promise would pass on to Isaac. His concerns and actions provide an example to all family and church leaders, who must do all they can to ensure the reality of the believer’s fellowship with God in truth, purity, power, and blessing passes on to the next generation. To allow God’s people to drift gradually into worldliness and away from God’s way is the ultimate failure in spiritual leadership.
Abraham did what God intended for parents to do for their children: help them know the truth about God and follow Him by serving Him. The care and activity toward helping our children to have a relationship with God should be our priority. Every day our kids are being educated about things within their environment and learning about themselves. How much of their knowledge include God? Only He knows. However, parents should not leave it up to society to educate our kids about God.
Today, children are being exposed to new things more than ever before. The option to do other things other than learning about the creator of all things is paramount. The “god of this world” is finding innovative ways to distract and divert young people into ungodly things consuming their time. If the enemy can disrupt communication, there would not be education for our kids to get to know God. They would naturally drift into the carnal way of life.
Abraham allowed Isaac to experience God in the way He intended: Purity, truth, power, and blessing. Our kids should have the opportunity to at least know who God is and let them decide for themselves. However, the children must know the truth about God and how the Son of God gave all for us to have hope and eternal life. Abraham gave his all to Isaac. God gave His Son for all humanity. Have we given our all to help our children and others around us to know Him?

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