In Exodus chapter fifteen, verse twenty, the mention of a prophetess for the first time in the Old Testament: Miriam, the prophetess, is prophetically gifted and moved in the Spirit of prophecy. Here she leads the women of Israel in a spontaneous prophetic chorus. Deborah, a prophetess, is mentioned in Judges chapter four, verse four. She had prophetic gifts, which enabled her to hear messages from God and o communicate His will to the people. Deborah’s close relationship with God gave her influence among the people.
What is a prophetess? A prophetess is similar to a prophet: the only difference is the gender. Otherwise, A prophetess speaks the truth like Jesus and leads the church like Moses led the ark. A prophetess is like an usher, elder, deacon, bishop, and pastor: all rolled up into one unique servant. This position is the highest a leader can attain close to God. Therefore, the prophetess must maintain a consistent prayer life and read the Word of God.
In the New testament, Luke chapter two, verses thirty-six, Anna was a prophet who hoped for the coming of Christ. She remained a widow for many years, never remarrying but devoting herself to the Lord with “fastings and prayers night and day.”
The prophetess will undergo various forms of temptation similar to the prophet and will need to remain steadfast to overcome these carnal challenges. The prophetess will enable God to use them for prophesying, teaching, preaching, and healing the sick. A dedicated prophetess of this nature is a heart after God and can set an example for others and influence them to receive salvation. The more time the prophetess spends with God, they will receive more of Him. A prophetess is a spokeswoman who speaks for God. She must be humble and obedient to God.