Give unto us a possession

In Numbers, chapter twenty-seven, verse four, Hebrew law made no provision for the inheritance of the land if a father had no sons. God, therefore established the act that the father’s daughter could inherit the family’s share of the land. The law shows the place of dignity and honors the women given in Israel.
“Why should the name be done away with from among his family because he had no son?” The first part of Numbers twenty-seven four. Or be withdrawn, and his family lose their portion and share on that account; this they thought was unreasonable. To prevent this from happening, the daughters of Zelophehad’s motion was that their mother might marry their father’s brother, according to the law in Deuteronomy twenty-five five through six. However, it does not appear that that law was as yet in being. Although how otherwise would the father’s name be preserved by raising seed in that way is not easy to say. Some may think it was by the son of one of the heiresses. Or by the first son, after the name of their grandfather Zelophehad or their mother’s grandfather Hepher. The Jews commonly use the title, understand no other than the inheritance.
The daughter of Zelophehad said to give them possession.
A part with their uncles or children by which they express their faith that the children of Israel would inherit the land. Though as yet it was not conquered, nor even entered into, and might signify, some may think their concern to have a part and portion in the heavenly inheritance the land of Canaan was typical of; and if so, they may be considered as five wise virgins indeed.

And so, God is with the women, and looking after them. However, unfortunately, these women are taking it far beyond. There is that which is fair, but then there is that taking it far beyond what God intended. So balance is such an important thing.

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