In Numbers, chapter twenty-one, verse nine, the living-giving power of the brass serpent anticipates the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, who was lifted on the cross to bring to all who took to Him. John three, fourteen through fifteen, states, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in Him, shall have eternal life.” Those today who desire to be delivered from their sin and receive salvation must turn their hearts into believing in obedience and the Word of Christ.
In the Old Testament, the serpent of brass was the most proper metal to make it so that it might resemble the fiery serpents, whether of a golden or scarlet color. Some of the color of brass, whose bite immediately precedes death, and by which, if anyone did get this injury, they experienced terrible pains, and a bloody sweat flowed all over them. The serpent of brass has a burnish brightness which is noticeable at a great distance. However, with this metal, Moses might receive supply from Punon, the next station to this, where they now were, Zalmonah, as appears from Numbers thirty-three, verse forty-two, a place famous for brass mines.
Today, in the New Testament, believers have the mighty name of Jesus Christ to call upon in times of injury, pain, difficulty, and whatever situations they face. A true story where a woman was riding with two other ladies going to run some errands. During that time, the woman begins to experience a nagging pain in her knee. The lady driver pulled aside to a safe area while the other lady told her to call on the name of Jesus. Then they tutored the woman to get out of the car, walk and praise Jesus and give Him thanks and apply the blood of Jesus by literally saying it. The woman did as she heard and continued to walk around the car until she felt better.
The moral of the story is she spoke the word with activity and experienced victory. Although this condition was mild, believers must persevere with other situations and circumstances they face in their life. Even though we may be experiencing a problem that might weigh us down, if we want things to change, we must take note of the example of what the woman did. We must continually say and work through it until we receive victory.