In Numbers, chapter fourteen, verse thirteen, Moses is the classic example of a person so dedicated to the Lord that he is more concerned about God’s reputation than his success and honor. When believers gratefully comprehend all God has done for them through Christ, they will desire to exalt the Lord and His glory, to keep His name from falling into reproach among unbelievers.
Few people, in general, would conduct themselves as Moses did concerning the reputation of God. The Lord was angry with the behavior of the people of Israel that He wanted to smite them with pestilence. However, God’s servant responds abruptly, “Then the Egyptians shall hear it……and they will tell the inhabitants of this land.” Moses explains to God that He brought them out from among the Egyptians, and the people of Egypt know He is God among the people. If they hear that the Israelites’ God destroyed His people in the wilderness because He could not bring them to the land of promise, it will look far worse than what the Egyptians did with them back in Egypt.
Today, do we know anyone who would protect the reputation as Moses did in the Old Testament? Not easy to find because it is like finding a diamond in the ruff. On more than one occasion, Moses confronts God about not doing what He had intended against the Israelites. Even though Moses did not show concern for himself, only for God, it would eventually affect him too because the Egyptians recognized Moses as their leader working on behalf of their Lord. Do we operate like Moses today by defending the reputation of God?
I am sure many of us have heard unbelievers and people, in general, use God’s name when they are angry. Why? How should believers respond?