In Numbers, chapter fourteen, verse six, Joshua and Caleb stood against the majority opinion of the spies. Basing their report on a firm commitment to God and complete confidence in His promises to Israel, they refused to accept the overwhelming decision of God’s people: even at the risk of their lives. This important event in Israel’s wilderness journey teaches that we must not assume that the majority opinion, even the church, is always correct. Faithful believers must be willing to stand on God’s Word even if the majority is against them.
Joseph and Caleb rose and interposed in this affair, looking upon themselves under a special obligation as they confronted the other spies and contradicted what they had said. They spoke to the company of Israel, reporting the opposite of what the ten spies described concerning the land. Joshua and Caleb searched it and indicated that the land was good. They address the congregation with the assurance that God will allow them to experience this land and trust Him. However, Joshua and Caleb advise not to rebel against God and fear not, and reconsider the report.
In society, everyone will face opposition regarding conflicting views. There will be disagreement from serious arguments that involve family, friends, and other social associates in the environment. Especially believers, when facing adversity for the sake of the gospel and God’s Word, many who do not have a relationship with God or know Him will eventually succumb to supporting the carnal ways of society instead of righteousness and truth. Similar to Joshua and Caleb, if the majority upholds something that is not right does not mean we should give in and follow them. God expects us to stand firm against the unrighteous ways of society and will help us in times of need against the opposition.