Come with us

In Numbers, chapter ten, verse twenty-nine, Moses was speaking to Hobab, his brother-in-law, a non-Israelite, giving him an invitation to come with them and share the good things God has promised to Israel. The door was always open for Gentiles to join Israel, to make the God of Israel their God, and to share in God’s promises and blessings. Hobab appeared to have rejected the invitation. However, in Judges, chapter one, verse sixteen, and chapter four, verse eleven, respectively, the Kenites did have a change of heart. Later Rahab, Ruth, and many other Gentiles found acceptance and blessing with the Lord and His people.
Today, believers will experience situations with non-believers who desire to serve God but are reluctant due to differences. Sometimes the only contrast is the person’s background. Remember, unbelievers do not know God and come from religious environments and often have that perspective. Especially if the person offering is a light complexion to the other individual that is not could influence them to reject the offer to serve their God. The conflict is specifically on the inside and not the outside.
In society, many people would serve God, but the barrier for some is the physical aspect. Potential converts get caught up on how God looks if He is white, black, or in between, instead of what He can do for them: to save, heal and deliver. God is a spirit. He’s omnipresent and has no physical form, not a visible feature. We, in nature, want to see some evidence to know God in the flesh from our visual perspective.
Our spiritual side is where God can connect with us if we accept and yield to Him in spirit and truth. The barrier for some people that do not know Him is they fail to read His Word, spend time in prayer, and praise and thank Him daily. The truth is we draw close to Him when we do the things mentioned where He will reveal His Word and Himself to us.

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