Hath any blemish

In Leviticus chapter twenty-one, verse seventeen, the Lord speaks to Moses to tell his brother Aaron regarding anyone that has any blemishes not to serve in any priestly duties. Moses’ brother, who was the high priest, necessary for him, at least at this time, to ensure the laws and rules relating to the priesthood observation. Particularly to examine who were and were not for admittance purposes to serve in it.
Physical defects disqualified Aaron’s descendants from serving as priests and presenting offerings on behalf of the people. Wholeness of the body represents God’s purpose that the priest was to serve as examples of the fullness of the life of God’s intention. Consequently, they would be most effective in God’s service when free from physical imperfections. However, those who receive a disqualification from serving as ministers of God could still eat the holiest bread of God: the complete salvation of God’s covenant.
God’s requirement for a perfect body in the priesthood prefigures Christ’s moral perfection and hints at God’s spiritual demands for New Testament overseers. Any who serves in this capacity must be blameless and above reproach spiritually. Contamination of an overseer would be the opposite of God’s intention and stir up a commotion among the leaders and members of the congregation. However, if a Pastor fails to live up to the godly standards that God implemented, how can they lead? Would a bank company hire a bank robber?
Today, priests and overseers are vital in helping save souls for the kingdom of God. Leading by example is not easy either. People are always watching those who lead congregations for them to end up failing. Temptation is everywhere, and the enemy uses people to set traps against them. Any believer that has any blemish or sin, God is faithful to forgive us. The Son of God had no blemish made Himself available for us who had many blemishes.

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