Not to marry profane

In Leviticus chapter twenty-one, verse seven, priests were not able to marry women who had been immoral or even those who had experience divorce. They were to marry only virgins and widows of priests. Through this law, God’s expectation revealed that spiritual leaders are to serve as examples of God’s highest ideals for marriage and the family. In the New Testament, God requires a man or woman to serve as a model of faithfulness. To commit to their spouse and family to be chosen for the office of an overseer.
A priest could not marry a woman that prostitutes herself to anyone through lust or for gain. Especially one whose no longer pure, either unwillingly, that has been forced and ravished, or else willingly, being enticed, persuaded, and prevailed upon, and did not practice this regularly. In the Old Testament, they call an impure woman a “whore” instead of a prostitute. In those days, a priest could not marry someone not born of an Israelite, at least of an Israelitish woman, as proselytes or freed persons. There are no whores but such, or one that lies with such persons she may not marry the priest.
Immoral people are guilty of being cut off and are born of those rejected in the priesthood or whom a priest might not marry, such as the daughter of a widow, by the high priest or the daughter of one divorced by an ordinary priest. Priests are separated from other persons and devoted to the service of God. If a priest did marry someone with contamination, they could no longer be one. God is light, pure, and sinless. That is why He sent His Son to die on the cross and did not look at Jesus. That explains the statement when the Son of God cried out, “My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?” God did not look at the sin which Jesus took for us.

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